How to progress in the gym
Gym progress is all about working outside of your comfort zone. There are many ways you can do this: increasing...
Squishing those Gym Myths
1. Static stretching is the best way to warm up Even to this day, if you walk into any gym, you...
Why an Effective Recruitment Pattern is critical in avoiding movement injuries
When it comes to movement, there is no question that quality is far more important than quantity. But what exactly...
How to ensure you don’t overload while exercising!
Progressive overload is one of the key principles when it comes to exercise and rehabilitation. The principle infers a challenge...
What are the benefits of movement? How can physiotherapy assist you in controlling movement?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bounce into the new year by incorporating physical movement into your routine! Physical movement is the easiest way to improve...
The importance of Open vs. Closed Chain Exercises
Joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and many other elements are the interconnecting structure that make up the body. If you had...
Use it or lose It!
The principle of ‘use it or lose it’ is pretty self-explanatory and helps describe what happens to strength, aerobic fitness,...
Sit less, move more over the holiday season!
During the festive season, it’s easy to overindulge in food and drink, and the same is true when it comes...
Tune-up so you can take on the holidays!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Your body is just like a car, it needs regular services and a bit TLC every now and then! Your...
How to improve lower limb injuries in kicking sports
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Lower limb muscle weakness is the most common injury risk for athletes in kicking sports. Strengthening the musculature around the...
Common lower limb acute injuries in kicking sports
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Kicking sports such as AFL and soccer involve a repetitive motion required to transition the ball from all sides of...
The importance of hip adductor strength for kicking and acceleration in soccer players
The hip adductors are a large group of muscles on the inside of the thigh which is made up of...
The effect of swimming and aquatic exercise on the body
Regular exercise has countless benefits including improved mental and heart health and reduction in risk of cardiovascular disease. Sometimes as...
How training gluteal muscles can improve your running
Running is one of the greatest forms of exercise – free, intense and outdoors. Most people think that calf and...
Tarsal Coalition
Tarsal coalition is when the bones of the foot fuse together. It is an abnormal bony fusion or connection between...
Stronger on the inside, Stronger on the outside
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Strengthening your core is essential to living an enjoyable, functional and healthy life without the presence of back pain. Not...
The importance of foot strength
Feet are complex and it is important they are strong. There are multiple intricate bones and joints in the foot...
Strengthening the Kinetic Chain for Injury Prevention
It's time to strengthen your kinetic chain! It may come as a surprise to some when your physiotherapist prescribes exercises for...
Are you suffering an injury from your footwear?
Overloadcombinedwe Festival season is right around the corner! Here at Pivotal Motion, we'd like to talk about the common injuries seen...
How to best train for sports with obvious arm or leg dominance
There are a multitude of sports that have an obvious arm or leg dominance, and as such, maximising the ability...