Should I change the way I move my back?

Lower back pain

Should I change the way I move my back?

Lower back pain

Lower back pain (LBP) is one of the biggest burdens on people worldwide! It’s a common myth that once a dodgy back, always dodgy – but our backs are meant to move! Learning the correct ways to stand, move and lift will ensure you stay in tip-top shape.

Lumbopelvic rhythm refers to how the lumber (lower) spine moves in combination with the pelvis in order to move our torso. Bending forward, backward and side-to-side all involve a complex series of muscle movements. Hence, bone, joint and muscle strength all alter the coordination of our movements, changing the load on our spine. Pain brought on through new movements or certain postures is likely to be an issue with your lumbopelvic rhythm.

Identifying each patient’s individual relationship between LDP, lumbopelvic rhythm and how they move is integral in physiotherapy! In order to do this, a series of tests can be undertaken to look at how you bend and twist, and how you engage your back muscles. The deep, intrinsic muscles of the lower back provide stability and control. Learning to correctly activate these muscles when both standing and moving can greatly assist with reducing pain. Implementing this activation into regular exercise, as well as everyday activities, means your back pain can be under control in no time!

Here are Pivotal Motions top tips to beat back pain:

  1. Have your mates back, but don’t copy it! The way you move is unique to you.
  2. Mix up your movement patterns to see what hurts and what works.
  3. If in doubt, call us up today on (07) 3352 5116

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