Sporting connections are important to Brisbane physio clinic, Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy. Sport, whether it is recreational or professional, can be the biggest cause for consistent and long term injuries. The twisting, turning and body-to-body contact can cause damage to joints and muscles. Sprains, tears and dislocations can be commonplace in sport, but with proper stretching and exercise based on the principles of physiotherapy, the likelihood, and seriousness, of injuries can be reduced.
As sport is such an important part of keeping active, and being a part of a community, Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy strives to help all sporting types, across all codes, from local teams to National League teams. Involvement also allows younger teams to be exposed to the benefits of physiotherapy, allowing for less injuries and better sporting pursuits and careers. As a proud supporter of active lifestyles and sporting communities, Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy welcomes consultations, business and sponsorship with all clubs.
Sports teams we’ve worked with
As Brisbane sports oriented physiotherapists, Pivotal Motion are excited about getting involved in the community. Our principal physiotherapist Bobbie-Jo Strong is an active member within Sports Medicine Australia. We take pride in being involved with the local sporting teams to assist in injury prevention and management. We also know the importance of social sport for good physical and mental health.
Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy currently has sporting associations with clubs from local suburbs such as Newmarket, Stafford and Windsor. The local impact is far reaching to suburbs including Wilston, Grange, Bowen Hills and Kelvin Grove.