What is physiotherapy?

What is physiotherapy?

What is physiotherapy?

Running outside | Featured image for What is Physiotherapy blog. At Pivotal Motion, a question we see often pop up is ‘What is Physiotherapy?’. Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that assesses, diagnoses, treats, and works to prevent disease and disability through physical means.

Physiotherapists are experts in movement and function, who work in partnership with their patients, assisting them to overcome movement disorders.

These movement disorders may have been present from birth, acquired through accident or injury, or the result of ageing or life-changing events.


Physiotherapy can help you recover from injury, reduce pain, stiffness, and increase mobility. The therapist work with you to plan the most appropriate treatment for your condition. This can include setting personal goals and treatment outcomes.

Treatment modalities and options used by our physiotherapists include the following:

  • Massage: Is a great way to improve circulation and reduce pain by over-riding pain stimulus.
  • Joint Mobilisation: If the issue is a stiff joint, physiotherapists can apply body pressure to get these joints moving efficiently.
  • Dry Needling: Involves the use of acupuncture fine filament needles to treat myofascial trigger points to help reduce pain.
  • Exercise Prescription: Physiotherapists will give you appropriate exercises to help your recovery and prevent future injuries.
  • Education/Advice: Physiotherapists are trained to help you understand your injury and provide advice to speed up recovery.

A few conditions Physiotherapist treat include:Enhanced primary Care Physio | Featured image for What is Physiotherapy blog.

  • Sports injuries including sprained ligaments and strained muscles.
  • Long-term musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis.
  • Post-operative orthopaedic conditions including rehabilitation for an ACL reconstruction or joint replacement.

As first contact practitioners, a doctor’s referral is not necessary to see a physiotherapist. Physiotherapists work as a team with other health professionals, such as our exercise physiology team to treat patients’ conditions.

What to Learn More?

Interested to learn more about What is physiotherapy? Pivotal Motion is proud to be a part of the Brisbane health community and as a Newmarket based, Physiotherapy Brisbane clinic, we provide a range of physiotherapy services including sports physio, exercise classes and pre and post rehabilitation physio to help get you moving again. Call us today to make an appointment on 07 3352 5116 or book online today.

 Updated 12/03/2021

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