Explore Causes of Leg Length Differences

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Explore Causes of Leg Length Differences

Leg length differences can be the source of many irregular issues in our bodies.

Our bodies aren’t always symmetrical, there are small differences between each side that make us unique. Having one leg longer than the other is no exception. The length of your legs is just one example where these differences between right and left can occur.



If you have one leg longer than the other,  this is no cause for immediate alarm as it is a relatively common occurrence within our bodies. There are a number of causes for the length difference between left and right.

There may be a structural difference, where the length of the tibia or the femur may be different.

Has there been a growth plate injury when younger?  This can stunt growth.

Alternatively, there may be a functional leg length variance. A functional leg length difference refers to soft tissue changes. These soft tissue changes include; tightness in the muscles, joints, or tendons at the foot, knee, or hip.

Leg length differences can occur as part of an individual’s makeup, may result from a surgery or injury, or develop after a preference for the use of one side.


A leg length difference can contribute to one-sided problems of the foot, lower leg, hip, or lower back. Caused by an uneven distribution of body weight when standing and walking.

A small leg length difference may cause no major effects. However, as the difference between leg lengths increases, so too does the likelihood of injury.

If you have one leg longer than the other, speak to your local Pivotal Motion physiotherapist for help with the management of leg length differences. Implementing either active physiotherapy techniques or exercise physiotherapy can have a profound effect on leg length differences. Call us to make an appointment on 07 3352 5116 or book online.



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