The Focus is on Occupational Health with Pivotal Motion
This month Pivotal Motion are chatting occupational health. Often the effects and implications of professional life are not given enough thought and attention. Sitting for long periods of time, office chairs without support, bad posture, heavy lifting and manual labour can have negative effects on our body.
We spend most of our adult life at work, so it is important we are taking positive approaches and looking after our health. This month, we strive to provide you with the tools, tips and tricks to take care of yourself within the workplace. Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more!
Manual Labour
Physically demanding jobs within the trade industry can cause and exacerbate a range of injuries. According to the Australian Physiotherapy Association, tradies are the most likely to have workplace injuries. In turn, tradies land out of work on average 5-6 weeks a year – which is a luxury some simply can’t afford.
The most prominent injury experienced by tradies is back pain as it is heavily utilised within industry tasks. Other injuries include shoulder and knee injuries as well as ankle sprains.
This month, we will focus on prevention mechanisms as well as stretches and other tips and tricks to help reverse these statistics and keep those within the industry in tip-top shape! Your body is your best tool after all!
Office Work
While it may not be as noticeable, office work is sedentary and can have poor implications on your health and well being. Bad posture, poorly designed office chairs, sitting all day are just some of the many things that can cause back and neck pain. We also know that sedentary lifestyles (i.e. sitting on our buts) is not good for us! So what can we do about it?
Stay tuned to our social channels, as we share tips on maximising posture and minimising the harmful effects of the office desk lifestyle. This will include;
- Looking at the pros and cons of standing desks
- Sitting for long hours
- How to maintain great posture and how to keep fit and healthy.
Office ergonomics are important, so we value helping you maximise your situation to achieve a happy, healthy life!
Can a Pivotal Motion Physiotherapist Help?
Pivotal Motion is all about movement, and we strive to keep our patient’s mobility at top notch to ensure healthy, happy lives. If you’re concerned your workplace may be negatively affecting you or if you have noticed aches and pains, we are always happy to provide an assessment.
Give our friendly team a call on 07 3352 5116 or book online.