Common Causes of Injury
Injuries often have a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. Whether you’re an elite athlete, club sport enthusiast, or just going for an afternoon jog, there are many factors that may contribute to injury risk. It is incredibly important when trying to maintain at least a basic level of fitness that you understand these common causes of injury and have some practises in place to mitigate them. These factors are grouped into 3 unique types of injury causes, which include internal, external, and inciting events. Keep reading on to learn about these three key factors in injury, and what can be done to try and control them.
Your Trusted Experts in Injury Management
The talented physiotherapist team at Pivotal Motion are passionate about providing effective and long lasting treatment and programs to all their clients. Whether it’s a sport injury, work injury, or a getting out of bed too quick injury, Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy can help.
Common Causes of Injury in All People
Internal factors
Internal factors are a very common cause of injury as they are applicable to everyone, and can experience a lot of variation over time, making them challenging to track properly. These include things such as age, gender, body composition, previous injuries, fitness capacity, and skill level. Injury risk may increase in prevalence as we age, due to loss of balance and bone density decreasing. Fitness capacity and skill level may also dictate the safety levels at which we are able to complete certain activities when fatigued.
External factors
External factors are sport or activity related things. These factors may include equipment, environmental factors such as weather and sports setting, human factors such as teammates or opponents, and the availability of appropriate protective equipment. Sporting equipment may be necessary to complete certain activities and thus may provide an inherent risk through use.
Inciting Incidents
Inciting incidents are likely the biggest injury causes of these three key factors. During sport you get tackled, pushed, and overexert yourself. All of these play into our accumulated risk of injury. It is critical that we try to minimize the risk of these incidents. To do this, use protective equipment to reduce the impact, or changing the way we engage in activities.
Understand the Risk and Stay Safe
As a whole, there are various key injury causes as well as factors that play into our risk of injury, Internal, external and inciting events. It is ideal that we plan ahead for these and prepare ourselves to handle them appropriately. With use of resistance training, we can ensure our body is developed enough to handle anything our sporting life. In the case of any injuries or other issues that prevent continued development, physical therapy may be able to assist with getting you back to performing at your best. To learn more details, talk to a Brisbane exercise physiologist at Pivotal Motion today.
Keep Moving with Pivotal Motion
If you have questions about an injury you’re carrying around at the moment, want to chat with a physiotherapist Brisbane about developing a treatment program, or need a session with a sports physio – get in touch today! Book an appointment online or call us on 07 3352 5116 to get started.