Consistency in training

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Consistency in training

Struggling with consistency in training?

Do you feel like your days are getting shorter, but somehow your working hours are getting longer? Do you feel like somehow, you’re losing more and more time to yourself? For most of us this is a common feeling. Unfortunately when we feel short on time, there are certain aspects within our daily lives that get sacrificed in order to compensate. Sadly, it is usually our exercise and training habits that are sacrificed. Whether you’re aware of it or not, this can have a significant NEGATIVE affect on both your mental and physical health.

How much training should I be aiming to do?

A common misconception when it comes to exercise is that in order to achieve any benefits is that more is better. Lucky for us, this isn’t the case! Current research recommends that the average adult should attempt around 150-minutes per week of light to moderate exercise.

For some people this may seem like a lot. For those who may not be training consistently, it just very well might be. But the great news is, is that small bouts of exercise lasting 10-15mins can be just as effective. Therefore, training smarter is a must!

Training consistently provides you with many benefits

How Can I Fit More into My Current Training Routine?

Being consistent with your training regime doesn’t have to involve training EVERY single day or involve working at extremely high intensities EVERY time you train. Being consistent can simply involve dedicating ONE day out of your week, at the same TIME each week, to perform your small bout of exercise.

Instead of attempting to make large unsustainable changes, focusing on smaller changes will lead to long term success.

To help build some consistency around exercise, try some of the following:

  • Tell a friend:  a simple way to keep you accountable and a great way to create a supportive network.
  • Find your why: While there are several benefits associated with exercise, by finding the reason why you’re exercising and establishing a goal to strive for, the motivation to keep the routine alive will persist.
  • Train with a friend: a great way to keep you accountable and helps with motivation.
  • Seek professional guidance: a service that specifically guides you towards your needs and further provided with the tools to help stay on track.

If you have any further questions on how you can be consistent and keep exercise as a staple in your life, call the physiotherapist Brisbane relies on to get them moving again on 07 3352 5116 or book online

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