Ankle Sprain Poem

Basketball player spraining his ankle.

Ankle Sprain Poem

Basketball player spraining his ankle

An ankle sprain is such a pain!

A Poem by Lydia Bartram

(Past) Pivotal Motion Physiotherapist

Ankle sprains, ankle sprains, how common they are!
As common as having a Toyota Rav car!

Football pitch, netball court or falling down stairs,
There is no avoiding those terrible tears!

Swelling, bruising, unable to walk,
it can be so painful that you can’t even talk.

Well, there is a solution to help you along,
It’s called physio, so your symptoms don’t prolong.

Shown to improve outcomes and speed up recovery,
We will get you back to action, on the road of discovery!

Best seen in the first week, this is the key,
To ensure that the result is a ‘whooopee’!

So remember one thing, the next time you fall,
Whilst playing soccer or on a pub crawl, There is only one possible notion,
The best thing to do is come to Pivotal Motion!

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